

What Lies Beneath.... Agnes Cazin


In our creation of The Steam Bar, we have the privilege to meet some phenomenal individuals who leave a lasting impression. One such woman, is Agnes Cazin.

Marketeer, entrepreneur, and cultural disruptor, Agnes'  work transcends traditional branding to create immersive, identity rooted and driven experiences. As the founder of Haiti73, Cazin has carved a niche at the intersection of beauty, business, and cultural storytelling. Her work sets out to challenge industry norms while celebrating heritage and innovation.

Born in Haiti, raised in the vibrant streets of Paris, and finding her creative sanctuary in London, Cazin’s journey is a masterclass in resilience and reinvention. Let's dive into What Lies Beneath her.


TSB – Your background is a rich tapestry of cultures and experiences. If your identity were summed up in a statement, what would it be?

Agnes - I was born in Haiti, brought up in the streets of Paris, and found refuge in the city of London.
These three countries made me who I am now—the resilience, the backbone, and the achievements were all possible because of the vibe, the culture, and the environment they have to offer. 

TSB – You're quite outspoken and direct when it comes to business, shall we say. Where do you think this comes from?

Agnes - I think I am from a different generation, and I come from a culture from the South, which means that you mean what you say and (to my detriment) say what you mean. But also, being able to say no or to express what you actually mean frees you. It helps you get or surround yourself with what you actually want.

TSB – What’s a childhood memory that, looking back, shaped how you see the world today?

Agnes - There are three. Firstly, my mother fighting off two thugs trying to steal her handbag. It reminded me of David and Goliath. She ended them. She fought them. She won. End of. All of this while looking like Audrey Hepburn—slim, humble, and vulnerable; she demonstrated a strength I did not know she had.

Age five, the racism at school, when some children took it upon themselves to soil my coat with urine. Learning to be safe around the right people is number one on my list.

Finally, my godmother driving us back from the theatre at midnight, wearing sunglasses, her hair blowing in the wind—total freedom. A sort of I don’t give a f**k attitude that I have always tried to match. Life is about living, and if you can be stylish on top of that, wonderful—but never forget to do you!

TSB – If you had to introduce yourself to a stranger without mentioning your name, job, or background—how would you do it?

Agnes - Hi, I am Kingtaïno’s mother

TSB – How do you see the intersection of beauty and power? Who are the most ‘beautiful’ rebels in history, in your opinion?

Agnes - The intersection of beauty and power is a fascinating one, especially over the decades, as it has shifted in many directions. But it remains beyond physical appearance, extending to inner strength, resilience, and the ability to influence and challenge norms.

Beauty is often linked to the quest for eternal life, the fountain of youth. It’s the tool, the product, that promises to help you live forever, stay young forever. You see it in young Caucasian girls longing for retinol, in teenagers of all backgrounds experimenting with non-invasive surgery. The fact that Black beauty founders became a symbol of inclusivity and a socio-economic fight all at once is powerful.

We must remember that Coco Chanel (No. 5) would have never survived without Marilyn Monroe endorsing her perfume. Here, we have two monsters in terms of being rebels. Agnès B. has been and will remain my hero—for what she accomplished with fashion and beauty in the 90s, as the godmother of concept stores, taking over an entire street with Agnès B. Concept Store, spanning men’s fashion, travel accessories, a library, and even a beauty bar in Paris.

Iman launching her beauty line in the 90s? That was a bold move!

And if we look at the new generation, crossing all gender boundaries, blending art, film, music video aesthetics, deeply rooted in culture—we see people like Topicals reintroducing ratchet style, Kaï Collective inspiring self-confidence in women of all backgrounds while staying rooted in culture, Ruka Hair trailblazing in business and launching amazing products. Recently, Lisa Price buying back her company—that’s power.

These are the people who inspire me now, as I see how they are already making history, reminding us that history can always surprise you at any given time.

But we often forget—beauty is one of the last spaces where segregation still remains.

TSB – In a world obsessed with filters and perfection, how do you personally define authenticity?

Agnes - Being spontaneous. Affording yourself the freedom to show up as you are whenever you feel like it. Not being held back by your appearance. It’s different for everyone.

Being comfortable looking stupid. Being silly is powerful. Not being hostage to other people’s opinions is priceless. Sometimes, in imperfection, you find beauty, defining moments, or connection.

TSB – How has your definition of success changed over the years?

Agnes - Of course, like everyone, it started with money! Oh, I was going to be rich!

But life decided otherwise when I had my child and was left to raise him by myself. Success took on a whole new meaning. My success is the life I was able to create around him, the moments that shaped him, the challenges we overcame. My son’s well-being is my biggest achievement. You can never be a perfect parent, but I am trying to be a fair one.

So, my definition of success is measured by how much of what I wanted to do I was able to achieve, and how much of what I don’t want dictates my life.

The ultimate goal? Freedom.

TSB – If life had a soundtrack, what song perfectly captures your journey so far?

Agnes - It would have to be Les Rita Mitsouko.

Hip-hop and dancehall will forever be my kind of music for the strength they carry, that contagious electric energy. Strong but real.

Suprême NTM was the band that ruled my formative years—from a teenager to a young adult.

TSB – Can you share three things that you’re currently excited about or that have inspired you in some way? It could be a book, a play, a restaurant, a beauty product—anything!

Agnes - Launching my business and beauty festival. It was something I wanted to do for so long! Discovering a club where you watch movies—I can’t wait to try it! And if I’m not working or socialising, I’m looking forward to sauna sessions.

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